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The practice compass© model reflects the way we understand and organise our service lines and business solutions.

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The practice compass© model represents:

  1. Our understanding of businesses as interconnected systems, both in terms of its various activities or functional areas and in their strategic, organisational and managerial perspectives. Consequently, our solutions:
    • Start by understanding the business as a whole, with special emphasis on both its key and unique aspects.
    • Provide answers that integrate our expertise in strategy, organisation and management, as they are complementary perspectives of the same business reality.
    • Identify and measure the impact, which is relevant in some cases, of the proposed change initiatives on the different company areas and not only on the one considered central.
  2. The general or more specific business issues and situations we deal with. To this regard:
    • Our general service lines and solutions provide answers to any business issue and/or situation companies may face.
    • On the other hand, specific service lines and solutions are a recognition and formalisation of the expertise acquired in certain business issues and/or situations. While developing their own specialised concepts, methodologies and tools, they also rely on and accommodate those from the general service lines and solutions. Similarly, they always start from a holistic understanding of the company.

Click on any of the service lines in our practice compass© model below for more details on the solutions that include:

On the other hand, we provide our services under three modalities or service modes© depending on whether the objective of the used business solution is more focused on the definition of the future situation or on client's support during implementation:

In this way, we distinguish between consulting projects, advisory and/or executive support: